Recettear on Proton

I was very excited to hear that many games formerly Windows-only are now playable on Linux, thanks to Steam Proton (based on Wine). Space is a bit too tight for Skyrim on my laptop, but surely it would be nice to see if playing Recettear on Linux is now an option!

Enable Proton & install Recettear

The steps for this are not too difficult, just follow the FAQ: enable Steam beta, enable Steam Play for all titles.

The install button is now available for Recettear! Woohoo.

Alas, no sound

Thankfully help came through, thanks to the protondb entry for Recettear that helpfully links to this GitHub Issue. Thank you kind stranger! My path was somewhat different, possibly because I installed Steam with flatpak.

$ locate pfx
$ WINEPREFIX=/home/jpichon/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/games/steamapps/compatdata/70400/pfx winetricks directmusic sound=alsa

Unknown arg sound=alsa

Alas, now I get a black screen and a popping sound instead. Looking at the verbose output though, hidden toward the end I did notice Unknown arg sound=alsa. Looks like my winetricks version may be a bit old.

$ sudo winetricks --self-update
$ WINEPREFIX=/home/jpichon/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/games/steamapps/compatdata/70400/pfx winetricks directmusic sound=alsa

Success, this time! The game loads fine, and with music.

Capitalism, ho!

