1. Course content, now CC-BY-NC

    I added a notice to my previous courses notes to indicate that they are now available under the CC-BY-NC license. I don't know if it'll be in any way useful -- as I'm well aware the courses could use a huge amount of improvement (working on it!) -- but it seems worth …

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  2. Teaching conclusions

    My last course to teach Python to beginners ended Monday last week and wow, am I behind in writing up the post-mortem :)

    This time I taught the basics of programming with Python to a group of 6 adults, mostly PhD students either in political sciences or mechanical engineering. Nearly all …

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  3. Teaching, teaching | Session #2

    I thought before I started this course, "oh, it's the third time I do this, it's all old hat, I'll just have a general recap blog post rather than weekly ones" but heh, as long as I keep learning and questions and topics to ponder come up, I'll keep writing …

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  4. A few notes from the first session | Teaching again

    Post-session #1 thoughts (from Monday's scribbles):

    • Note to self: Re-read carefully the lesson's content beforehand, to remember it all. Knowing what's "print" and what's a variable like the back of your hand doesn't mean you remember how to explain them to someone encountering the concepts for the first time. Very …
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